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Friday, 26 September 2008

Attention all IT GIRL and GOSSIP GIRL fans...

Make sure you go take a look at TEMPTED and GOSSIP GIRL THE CARLYLES: YOU JUST CAN'T GET ENOUGH - we've added the first chapters to the download section so you can get a sneak peak of what's coming up! Don't forget - the new GOSSIP GIRL book is hitting the shops next week!

Friday, 19 September 2008

Rave review for GHOSTGIRL

The lovely ladies at chicklish have written a fabulous review of GHOSTGIRL!

'This is the story of Charlotte Usher, who is dying to be in with the popular girls at school - and, more importantly, with one popular boy: Damen. But she's invisible to them; she might as well not exist. And then one day she chokes on a gummy bear and dies. But that doesn't stop her plans to go to the dance with Damen...
Now, I know I should be focusing on the story, but I can't help but point out that this book looks and feels gorgeous! Its has a black coffin-like appearance, with pink and black flower decorations and beautiful silhouette cartoons throughout. This is definitely one to buy as a present...' (to read more
click here)

Wednesday, 17 September 2008

GHOSTGIRL goes pop!

French group Telepopmusik are showing the GHOSTGIRL love with their fabulous new track!

Check it out at
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NpXjMVBXS24 and let us know what you think...

Monday, 15 September 2008

So gorgeous you're Gossip Girl worthy...

We've just received these totally fabulous Gossip Girl mirrors and want to share the wealth by giving them to you!

We're going to keep a beady eye on the forums and the writers of our favourite five new posts each week will get sent one of these handy and super-stylish mirrors (very useful for discretely checking you haven't got something in your teeth - the horror!).

Thursday, 4 September 2008

The It Girl Creative Challenge

We realise we didn't give you very long on this month's creative challenge but we LOVE the three entries we got - definitely useful words of wisdom to live by!

"An It Girl should always know just how hot they are. I mean, how can you possibly be any fun to be around if you're worrying about what people are thinking about you?"
Annelise Quattrociocchi

"Remember every detail for the future...except the ones that need to be forgotten."
Danielle Bann

"One of my many rules in life is that you can never have too many pairs of shoes. lol. It's vital because when you're a girl, having any amount of shoes is a dream come true, and plus you need shoes, different types for different places or different weather, so my rule is you can never have too many pairs of shoes."
Stacey knutsen

We can't choose between the three so congratulations to Annelise, Danielle and Stacey who will all be getting a copy of LUCKY, book five in the IT GIRL series.

Keep an eye out for the next challenge - coming soon...